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Welcome to the EAUA Pools website.
N.B - The Companies identified below are those that are registered in the UK

Ace European Group Limited
Registered No: 01112892

City International Insurance Company Limited
Registered No: 01409387

Dowa Insurance Company (Europe) Limited
Registered No: 01235550

East West Insurance Company Limited
Registered No: 00811120

English & American Insurance Company Limited
Registered No: 00240656

Fuji International Insurance Company Limited
Registered No: 01212503

Hiscox Insurance Company Limited
Registered No: 00070234

The Insurance Corporation of Singapore (U.K.) Limited
Registered No: 01520360

KX Reinsurance Company Limited
Registered No: 00494416

Metropolitan Reinsurance Company (U.K.) Limited
Registered No: 01741164

Moorgate Insurance Company Limited
Registered No: 00147862

Nippon Insurance Company Of Europe Limited
Registered No: 01152263